Tuesday, December 29, 2009

#1 Piece of Advice for People Under My Roof

C and Bean are sitting on either side of me, watching Sesame Street while I take advantage of some baby free time to work on photos.  C, looks at me and grins...  and then slooooowly extends her index finger and heads towards my keyboard...


"No, C."

Her finger keeps moving towards the keys... as the distance closes, her grin widens.


"No, C!  Don't push my buttons!"

Heh.  Hehe.  Sound advice for life with a happy Mama, wouldn't you say?


  1. I think that statement should be on a plaque or cross-stitched or something! :)

  2. Bwahahaha! Very good advice, indeed!

    Absolutely love your blog... our households sound very similar- full of little ones and CHAOS!

    <3 April


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