Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I hate change.  I really do.  So I railed heavily against the inevitable change necessary in our house.  In order to fit our kids into rooms other than our own, we needed to bunk up the girls and give Sayer the smaller room that C was in.

I didn't wanna.

Because really, what good could come from combining two girls in one room?  Nothing!  Nothing could come of it but things like early mornings, yelling and talking before bed, waking each other up, and mischief.

Come on people, you KNOW it's true.

So understandably, I procrastinated.

"Oh, Sayer is fine in our room!  We don't mind!"  Shaun would raise an eyebrow at me when I'd say that, recalling the need to whisper and tiptoe around the sleeping baby next to our bed.

"I want to wait for ____ to happen before we change them over!"

"Well, we'll eventually do it...  I mean, maybe soon?"

Yeah, I made LOTS of excuses.  (Who could blame me?)

Anyway, vacation forced our hand.  When traveling, most kids aren't afforded the luxury of having their own rooms.  So, *deep breath* we bunked them up.

The first night was ok.  At least that's what Shaun said.  I wasn't there.

The second night was a little more insane.  C shrieked, Bean fussed, and there was general chaos all around.

That chaos ended up with both girls in a full sized bed together, head to toe.  C was enamored with the idea of a big bed and Bean liked the novelty.  But they fell asleep that way, so that worked.

The next night, the chaos erupted again, this time in the form of a VERY tired and VERY cranky Bean.  I jokingly told Shaun that if Bean wouldn't stop carrying on like a baby, maybe he should stick her in the crib.

He did.

And wouldn't you guess...  not a peep from either of them.

So vacation went onward and by the end, they were actually going to bed well with no fussing.

Moral of the story?  If you want me to do something I don't want to do, force my hand with a vacation.

Preferably one with a tropical beach and drinks with umbrellas.

(And oh, the girls are sleeping in their rightful places... Bean's crib days were numbered).


  1. You did it! I'm not saying every night will go perfectly, but they definitely get used to it... and so will you :)

  2. Let them adjust - it will work out. I shared a bedroom with my brother until I moved out... at the age of 22! I immediately moved in with my wife. Crap, I really have never had my own room!

  3. Yayyyy!! Way to go kids! And way to go you to, Jen. Vacations are the WORST for sleep for just that reason. And by the time they work out their issues it's time to go home. Now they get that vacation fun every single day :-)

  4. This is exactly why I'm scared of family vacations. Our kids always sleep like CRAP when we're away from home.
    Alternately, they now LOVE sharing a room, and it was the key to finally helping Eli (mostly) settle down about bedtime. He's just a big cuddler and hated being alone to fall asleep. If allowed, he would totally be sleeping IN Addy's bed with her!

  5. I have NO IDEA what I'm going to do about this. We have three bedrooms, but you can't even walk in one of them because it's the only storage we have...we have no garage, no attic...everything goes in that third room. There's really no place in Aiden's room for Savannah's crib. So I guess she'll be with us until we move....in a few YEARS. Gah.

  6. Hey Jen! I'm glad to have met you in person too! I'm adding your blog to my Reader, because we clearly are in the same boat...although you have a bigger crew.
    Anyway- we're bunking our girls starting this weekend. At least that's the plan. And I mean really bunking...in bunkbeds. They sleep in the same room already, except during naptime because I need that to go on as long as possible. So, we're just doing the bunkbeds to move the crib out and free up floorspace. We'll see how it goes!
    And yes, definitely let's get together post-holidays for a playdate. I think Bean and C are close in age to my girls?
    Have a wonderful Christmas!


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